Gospel Oak

What does the Acorn have to “do” to become a Mighty Oak? Belief

The acorns destiny is to become an oak. Breakdown the word destiny, you get “des-tiny”. Which translates into “that’s tiny”. Breakdown the word belief, you get “be leaf”.


Oaks may grow from small acorns, but only from acorns that have overcome great odds. The oak is a common symbol of strength and endurance and has been chosen as the national tree of many countries. Oak is national tree of USA, Germany, Serbia, Cyprus, England, France, Moldova, Romania, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Wales, and Bulgaria.


Acorns and Four leaf clovers serve as one of natures many examples of luck. According to the University of California, only one acorn in 10,000 survives to be an oak tree. Those are the same odds of finding a four leaf clover, according to Dr. John Frett, professor of plant and soil sciences at the University of Delaware. Interestingly, Oak trees do not begin producing acorns until nearly after two decades of growth.


For the nourishment of the acorn, in good soul (soil), so that it may grow into a Mighty Oak. Without prayer, it would just be an oak. What makes the acorn mighty is faith. Faith, that one day it will become an Oak, a Mighty Oak. A belief so self evident that it can only be fortified with prayer, patience, and perseverance.